Experience our passion for coffee first hand.
スターバックス リザーブのすべてを詰め込んだ1階では、
On the first floor, where you will be able to experience the
entirety of the Starbucks Reserve,
Master Roasters and
baristas ply their craft to coax perfectly flavorful,
often unexpectedly artful expressions
from our rare, single-origin coffees.
Enter through the
front doors to begin your one-of-a-kind coffee journey.

Chat with your barista to taste wholly unique
コーヒーが職人の技と出会う場所、ここがみなさまの旅の出発点。コーヒーの専門知識と技術を極めたバリスタに、好みのコーヒーを相談して、理想の一杯を見つけましょう。カウンターに座って、バリスタとの会話と彼らの技を楽しみながら、数々のメニューをご堪能ください。 Your journey begins here, where coffee meets craft. Talk to our knowledgeable, expert baristas about your preferences to find the perfect coffee for you, and feel free to sit at the counter and browse our menus while enjoying the skills and conversation they provide.
ロースタリーでのフライト(飲み比べ)の楽しみ方のポイント Tips on how to enjoy "flights" (comparative tasting) at the Roastery
焙煎機のそばで、同条件のコーヒーを飲み比べるのが、ロースタリーならではの楽しみ方です。同じ産地の違う農園のコーヒーの微妙な違いなどを体感したり、時として3大産地を飲み比べて世界を旅してもらうこともできます。デミタスカップを注文して、お友達と一緒に飲み比べて楽しむことも可能です。 Sampling different coffees brewed under the exact same conditions and right next to the roasting machine itself is an experience unique to the Roastery. You will be able to experience subtle differences in coffees from different farms within the same region, or even, on occasion, travel the world sampling coffees from the three major production areas. You can even order coffee served in demitasse cups to enjoy the tasting together with your friends.

Observing the roasters at work
as they tease out the
flavor of the coffee.
銅板をあしらった大型の焙煎機。ここでは、グリーンビーン(生豆)を焙煎し、コーヒーごとの風味のニュアンスを巧みに引き出すロースターの技をご覧いただけます。ロースター(焙煎士)へのご質問もお気軽に。彼らとのコミュニケーションを楽しみながら、コーヒーの真髄である焙煎の秘密に触れてください。 See our large copper-clad roaster. Here, you get to see our skilled roasters busy roasting green coffee beans, expertly unlocking the subtle nuances of each variety. Feel free to ask our roasters about any questions you may have. Use this opportunity to learn all about the secrets of the roasting process, which is where the true essence of coffee resides.

ロースタリーの続きを自宅でも体験する。 Continue the Roastery experience at home.
家でもロースタリーのコーヒー体験を楽しみたい、そんな時は、焙煎したてのコーヒー豆が手に入るコーヒースクープ バーへ。種類で迷ったときや、最適な抽出方法を知りたいときは、ぜひバリスタにご相談を。もちろん、テイスティングもできます。 If you want to enjoy the Roastery coffee experience at home, grab a bag of freshly roasted coffee beans straight from the Coffee Scoop Bar. Feel free to ask a barista if you are unsure which type of bean would be best or if you want to know the optimal extraction method. And of course, you can ask to taste a sample of any bean before you buy.
スターバックス リザーブの世界観を表現したタンブラーやマグカップ、ロースタリーならではのセレクトされたコーヒー抽出器具やバラエティー豊かなさまざまなアイテムがお客様をお迎えします。自分にぴったりなお気に入りアイテムや家族や友人へ贈るギフトを見つけることが出来るはず。 We also offer a wide range of products and coffee-extracting equipment for sale, each carefully selected and unique to our Roastery, along with a range of tumblers and mugs which reflect the style of Starbucks Reserve. You are sure to be able to find something you like or which you would like to gift to a family member or friend.

Taste the authentic flavors of
the Italian
PRINCI is a place where you can come and enjoy authentic
Italian flavors and a genuine Italian dining experience
throughout the day.
Enjoy a fresh menu that varies
throughout the day with cornetti served during the
morning, focaccia bread pizza during the day and
aperitivos at night. Come and experience our commitment to
authenticity at PRINCI with all your senses.

Immerse yourself in the experience of artisanal pizzas,
pastries and breads, traditionally baked using time-honored
Every item on the menu is sourced without
compromise, baked without shortcuts and enjoyed with all the
スターバックス リザーブ
Each year we travel the world in search of great coffee.
once in a while, we discover a handful of beans so special and
that we can’t wait to share -
Which is why we created this unique space for roasting them.
of these coffees has its own story to tell, and we meticulously
develop a signature roast for every one of them.
No two
Starbucks Reserve coffees will ever be the same.