Quality craftsmanship and a respect for Japanese culture combine to form this special space.
These videos introduce some of the people who created and built the Starbucks Reserve® Roastery Tokyo,
and the philosophy behind its design, architecture, and aesthetics.

世界に5店舗あるロースタリーの中で、一から建物を設計・建築したのは、東京が初めて。外観設計を手掛けた、日本を代表する建築家・隈研吾が、建物の特徴や見どころを語ります。 From among Starbucks’ five roasteries around the world, Starbucks Reserve® Roastery Tokyo is the first to be both designed and built from scratch. In this video, leading Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, who worked on the exterior design, speaks about some of the building’s features and highlights.

4階の高さまでそびえ立つ、壮大な銅のキャスクは、日本の、そして目黒川の桜の木々への敬意のしるしです。外側は手作業による細工が施され、内側は焙煎設備を縦に長く内蔵しており、職人の技とエンジニアの技術の結晶でもあります。 This magnificent copper cask, which soars all the way up to the fourth floor of the building, is a tribute to Japan, and more specifically the cherry blossom trees which line the banks of the Meguro River. Its exterior was handcrafted with exquisite detail, while internally it features roasting facilities that are fitted vertically up the length, making the cask yet another shining example of craftsmanship and engineering prowess.

バリスタとお客様をつなぐバーカウンターや、そこで使われる器具や食器。日本の建築技術を取り入れた木のカウンターには、お客様のコーヒー体験をより幸せなものにしたいという思いが込められています。 A glimpse of our bar counter that encourages interaction with the baristas and carefully curated utensils and serveware. The wooden counter, which incorporates traditional Japanese architectural techniques, was designed to make your coffee drinking experience an even more enjoyable one.

2階への階段で目を引くのが、ティバーナのティーカップをイメージして設計・制作された「ティーカップ ウォール」。日本屈指のタイル職人が手作業で取り付けた壁が完成するまでには、さまざまな試行錯誤がありました。 By the stairs up to the second floor, your eye is naturally drawn to the Teacup Wall, designed and brought to life in the image of the Teavana teacup. The completion of the wall, which was hand installed by some of Japan’s leading tile craftsmen, involved a lot of trial and error.

紙を折って様々な形を作り上げる日本の伝統「折り紙」をモチーフに設計した天井は、静粛と安らぎを与えてくれます。光と影が躍るように反射する様は美しく、また機器が埋め込まれているため天井そのものが最適な音響設備にもなっています。 The ceiling, influenced by the Japanese tradition of Origami in which paper is folded to form a variety of different shapes and patterns, brings a sense of peace and tranquility. The almost dance-like interplay of light and dark is stunningly beautiful, while the audio equipment embedded directly within the ceiling itself lend the optimal acoustic experience.

テラスのイスとテーブルに使っている木材は、東京の杉を山形で製品にして、再び東京に持ってきたもの。自然の木材でありながら、特別な技術によって、美しさが長持ちします。日本のクラフトマンシップの結晶です。 The tables and chairs used on the terrace are made of Japanese cedar harvested from Tokyo trees. The furniture is then manufactured in Yamagata and returned to Tokyo in their final form. Although the timber used for the furniture is completely natural, the beauty of the material is retained through the use of special processing techniques. The furniture is yet another superb example of Japanese craftsmanship.

スターバックス リザーブ® ロースタリー 東京の空間に欠かせないのが、グラフィックやデザインです。象徴的なクラッカーボードや、和紙を使った壁、サインなど、各所にこだわりが込められています。 Two elements intrinsic to the success of the space at Starbucks Reserve® Roastery Tokyo are its graphics and design. From the iconic "clacker board" and the patterned Japanese paper wall, all the way through to the signage, thought and care has been put into each and every visual element.